Wednesday, 9 December 2009
Brittish Junior Climbing Team
Sunday, 6 December 2009
Tooling Series Final 2009
Monday, 30 November 2009
Team Trials
I went into isolation at 4 o'clock then came out to read the route around 5, My final route was on the massive overhanging wall, After reading the route I went back into isolation for another hour, then was really psyched for the final. I came out and started to climb my route, I managed to get just off half way up the route then I should have moved my foot up and caught the under cut, but I didn't move my foot up then I popped off!
Sunday, 22 November 2009
Glenmore lodge Dry- tooling round 4

Tuesday, 10 November 2009
Extream-dream Dry- Tooling Round

Sunday, 18 October 2009
Sports Climbing
- Little Teaser (20m) 6b+ **
- The Ticks Eat All the Midges 7a+ **

Photo taken by Stevie Hammond
Saturday, 3 October 2009
Scottish Tooling Series Round 1

Here are some pictures: (thanks to the Scottish tooling series website)

Monday, 21 September 2009

Me on my first route.

I felt really strong when I was on my first route and was really happy that I got to the second last clip. A pic of me climbing my second route.
My second route was really hard and had a few long moves at the start, which made me use most of my energy.
After this weekend I am now placed 33rd in europe in youth B boys!!!!
Saturday, 12 September 2009
Sport Climbing
Monday, 7 September 2009
EYS Training day
Day 1 (Friday)
We started climbing 2 o'clock on Friday afternoon. Day 1 was a hard fun boulder competition, which included of 20 boulder problems. At about 4 o'clock Dave Binney (head coach of the British team) came and gave us a lecture on how most of the European and world competitions run.
Day 2 (Saturday)
Saturday started in the lecturer Theatre on how we should warm up and route demos.
On a event final the isolation area opens at 7.30am and closed at 8.30am. At 8.30am route demos start, and 8.45am first climber is out to climb. So if you are climber number 1,2 or 3 you will need to be warmed up and ready by 8.30am, which means you will need to be in isolation at 7.30.
Route Demos
When Dave Binney was telling us about the route demos we had to take some notes. I learned a lot from what I was told about route demos.
At 12 o'clock after we had been talking about warm-ups we were all send down to the warm up area, and try and warm up in a small space with a lot of people in only 1 hour, just like it would be like in the EYS. It was quite hard to warm up in a smallish place because people were fighting to get onto the wall. After 1 hour of warming up we were all sent out to climb 2 routes.
At the end of the day Dave Binney came over to me and said one of the other climbers injured there finger and could not climb in the EYS, and offered that if I wanted I could take the place!!
Day 3 (Sunday)
Was a mock EYS competition, so we had to get up at a silly time and be in isolation. We had to be in isolation one hour before route preview so the first 3 people could warm up and be ready to climb. We all went out for route preview and read the route, after 6 minutes we were all sent back into isolation and carried on our warm up. During the day the judges put in some Technical faults in (Eg a spinning hold or a clip that was the wrong way or something like that) the idea was so we were aware of what to do if this happened in the comp.
Saturday, 29 August 2009
Wednesday, 22 July 2009
BLCC 2009
My first route was about 7b (I think) I managed to get 3/4 of the way up until a really long stretchy move spat me off.
Monday, 13 July 2009
Applecross bouldering
Me on MOD Traverse V4+
We were going to stop off at Torridon boulders on the way home, but it was getting late in the day and we had no food or water left, the nearest shop was 20miles away, so we headed home as the weather forecast for the following day was heavy RAIN !!
Saturday, 4 July 2009
Gory Magazine

Saturday, 20 June 2009
YCS Final, London
The day of the comp was really hot but pretty well organised by the BMC, as there was not a lot of room for everyone (climbers & spectators).
I managed to get 8th place overall, I would have liked to have done better but as it was my first year in the oldest catagory and I was competing against guys a lot bigger than me, I am quite pleased with the result.
Overall Scotland North done really well getting 3rd place in the team results, beating Scotland South (5th place)... Thanks Ruairidh for the training :) :)
Sunday, 7 June 2009
The Old Man of Stoer
Monday, 1 June 2009
I really enjoyed attempting to wakeboard and would love to do it again.
The Scottish Final
In the morning I got 1492 points out of 1500, which made me manage to climb in the semi finals. The semi final route was on the roof, which I think was graded about 7a. Only three people out of my group got through to the final in the afternoon, which was also on the roof. I managed to get the end of the roof which was 7c and so did Paul Williamson. So we had to have a super final on the same route, keeping climbing it over and over again until one of us came off, we both had two goes at it, I managed to get to the 2nd last clip on my 2nd attempt, and Paul got to the end.
Sunday, 24 May 2009
The Camel
Monday, 11 May 2009
EYC Selection Day

Our second route was 7a+ to the right of the comp wall but only went 3/4 of the way up, I managed to get to the last clip came off on a small crimp going to a under cut. After completing the two routed it put me into 7th place meaning that I could climb in the finals. Two hours later we got out of isolation and got 5min to read the route then back into isolation. I was out 4th to climb.
Our final route was about 7b+ , I managed to get about half way up the route because I was hanging on a small crimp and had to make a small dyno move to get to the next hold but I only managed to slap the hold not hold it. After climbing in the final I finished in 6th place which means that I have a chance that I might be picked for the European Youth Climbing Championships in September.
The full results can be found here:
Monday, 27 April 2009
YCS Round 3
Here are some of the results from some of my friends.
Age group 11-13 girls:
Nikki Addison 1st
Dawn longwoth 2nd
11-13 Boys:
Dylan Mackinzie 1st
Ruaridh Macaskill 2nd
14-16 Girls
Ellen Macaskill 1st
Ellen Barber 3rd
14-16 Boys
Alasdair Johnston 1st
Steven Addison 2nd
Sam Leakey 5th
Lewis Deacon 11th
Thanks very much Ruaridh Mackinzie and all the other route setters, Climbing wall's and the MCofS for donating prizes and hosting a really good event.
The results can be found here:
Monday, 20 April 2009
Thursday, 16 April 2009
Dumbarton Pics From Lukasz Warzecha
Monday, 13 April 2009
Monday, 6 April 2009
Brin Bouldering V4 Success
I think the hardest part of the problem for me was the sitting start as reaching the first hold was a problem!!
Spank The Ramp V4
Sunday, 5 April 2009
Saturday, 4 April 2009
Thursday, 2 April 2009
Creag Bhaeg
I had a really good day and want to go back soon.
Wednesday, 1 April 2009
Brin Bouldering
Some pics of us climbing.
Me attempting Spank The Ramp V4
Ended the day working Lip Trip V4 on The Block, managed to get halfway along.
We had a really good day out and cant weight till next time !!