Sunday 22 November 2009

Glenmore lodge Dry- tooling round 4

Last Saturday I travelled to Glenmore Lodge for round four this years tooling series. Last year I went to this round as well and it was amazing with the weather being really snowy and cold, but this year it was totally different because about 20 minutes into the competition it started to chuck it down with rain, by the end I was drenched and could not feel my fingers. Athough it was Tipping it down I still really enjoyed the routes.

After about one and a half hours of climbing in the rain we had a final which was thankfully inside, but the one problem I had was that my gloves were soken wet and my hands kept sliding out of them anyway I still went into the final and came second by about one point!!

I am now totally phyced for the final at the Ice Facter in two weeks.
I was given a video of the finals taken by Craig Harper, once I have worked out how to upload it I will put a link here:

1 comment: said...

See you there Stevie. Looks like both me and Rob will be at the Ice Factor.