Last Friday we went down to
Extreme Dream to do some climbing. I done some warm up Routes then went on the roof with Jamie Murry trying to get a 8A route that is there. I have been trying the route for ages and really want to get it.

Me attempting the crux move.
After a few goes on the roof I went and done some dry tooling with Malcom Kent.

After doing some of the circuits, I went on the roof and done some tooling.

nice pics what age group are you in the bmc ycs?
Thanks. I am in the Scotland North team and in the 11-13 group. Hopefully see you in London at the finals!!
yeah cool hopefully see you soon and how old are you iam in the 11-13 as well but i live no where near any big climbing walls so its a bit hard lol
Ops! made a mistake I am in the 14-16 Group. 14 next month!!
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